Magical Me And You


MAGIC means turning something into something else.  Being a legit magician takes devout practice.  Plus, a little suspension of one’s beliefs  is recommended in the acceptance that it is possible to pull a rabbit from an otherwise empty hat or saw someone in half and ‘she’ (why is it always a girl?) doesn’t even twitch.

But I speak of an entirely personal, solitary, minus an audience and a stage type magic happening around us at all times mostly unbeknownst even to us.   I’m suggesting, as well, that we are the orchestrators of this intended “magic” and that our perception is the only missing ingredient in the working formula.  And, I’m really not saying we should quit our crappy day jobs and sit at home watching ‘Let’s Make A Deal’ believing the landlord will be gaily acquiescing of the new found knowledge that his rent will be a little shy this month while we’re perfecting our “magic” routine.  Ittttssss not the magic I’m referring to – at all.

I’m proposing that magic materializes in the form of the befitting idea that comes to us at just the opportune moment in order that our behinds be spared.  It is the reaction that occurs when necessity gives birth to invention and necessity didn’t even know it was pregnant in the first place.   Magic is the feeling that we are the alchemists in the kitchen when the cupboard is nearly bare and four–no five mouths await food – and we produce food anyway out of thin air. That we are the menders of disheartening and disillusioned moments by way of our magical built-in and nurturing support spells –turning us into street therapists at the drop of a top hat.

Magic is the presidential diplomacy one uses to board a city bus whilst late for work but whose forgotten the bus pass on the coffee table permitting one to board the bus anyway hence giving him that public transport politician air about him.   Magic is arriving at a compromise where no one with even a Bachelor Of Law to his/her name dared contemplate treading– rendering us, the little guy,  superhero negotiator at that  bargaining table of life.  Magic is making unruly curly hair– straight w/o conditioner and on a rushed school morning–transforming ‘just’ moms to wizardry ‘cool’ moms.   It means forgiving someone that clearly doesn’t want forgiveness, in fact goes the extra mile to get on our proverbial nerves and manages successfully—and yet  we forgive anyway—this is nothing but magic in its purest form.

Magic debunked means — ‘change’.   And we can only change ourselves–have been all along… therefore we’re magical… ta-da!!!!

I believe we’re all born with a magic cell or two – we’re just not green.


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